Rostovskaya Oblast




Telephone: +7-86342-40460  HEAD OF AZOV DISTRICT    

Valeri Bevziouk


Valeri Bevziouk was born on 1 January 1963 in the village of Alexandrovka, Miasnikovski District, Rostovskaya Oblast.  Graduated from school with a golden medal. Studied at the Don Institute of Agriculture and later did a post-graduate course. Got a diploma with honours and the scientific degree of candidate of agriculture.  

his military service was in air defence forces. From 1990 – Valeri Bevziouk worked as chief zootechnician at the Don Poltry Factory, and 4 years later was elected director of the company. Soon after that the factory was acknowledged the best in Russia. And the work of its director was marked with the Order of Merit. 

At the municipal election Valeri Bevzoiuk was elected deputy of the District Assembly. On 5 February 1998 at the proposal of the Head of District the  35-year-old deputy agrees to head the District Administration. In March 2001 peopleof Azov District with  95 percent of votes elect Valeri Bevziouk Head of District. 

Valeri Bevziouk is married. His wife Marina works at the Don Poultry Factory, the daughter Nastia is a student, Vika is a pupil at the Peshkovo School.

Under Valeri Bevziouk's guidance the Azov District overcame the lingering crisis and by majoruty social and economic development indicators moved from the 30th-40th places into the best agricultural municipalties of Rostovaskaya Oblast.  Over three years the prduction growth has become : in crop production – 2.2 times, in cattle-breeding and fish production – 1.6 times. The budget growth reached a record nuimber.  In 2000 almost all agricultural enterprises showed profit. The payment of salaries and allowances has stabilized. Technical facilities are being repaired, 12 buildings of cultural centers have been built or repaired, as well as schools, kindergartens and hospitals. 284 kilometers of asphalt roads, 90 kilometers of gas pipes, 7 bridges have been made. The number of telephones with direct access to international lines has grown three times. The material base of the budget institutions has got further development: 

 in education: new school buses have been bought to transport children from remote villages, computer class-rooms organized in schools, technical facilities are constantly upgraded, free hot food is organized fro schoolchildren;

in health care: new ambulance vehicles have been bought, as well as modern equipment, furniture and instuments, the supply of medicines has been stabilized; 

in culture: new lighting and sound equipment has been installed in cultural institutions, new concert costumes were sewn for best creative groups.



Планы Валерия Бевзюка на ближайшую перспективу:

- наращивать темпы производства сельскохозяйственной продукции.

- не допускать нерационального использования земли,

- оказывать поддержку товаропроизводителям любой формы собственности

- увеличить собираемость налогов в бюджет и внебюджетные фонды

- достичь 100%-ной газификации сельских территорий

- продолжить ремонт и строительство дорог, каждому селу – дорогу с твердым покрытием

- вести капитальные ремонты школ, детских садов, больниц, Домов Культуры и клубов

- не допустить сокращения учреждений социальной сферы и персонала.

- провести реконструкцию Узла телефонной связи, ввести 2000 новых номеров

- продолжить строительство ранее «замороженных» объектов социальной сферы

- вести беспощадную борьбу с наркоманией и прочими проявлениями криминала

- развивать физкультуру и спорт, построить новый стадион в с.Кулешовка

- всемерно содействовать развитию на селе торговли и сферы услуг 




Copyright: Azov District Administration, Rostovskaya Oblast, 2002

Design: International Department (Evgeny Mamichev)

ФОБОС: погода в г.Ростов-на-Дону Êàòàëîã Ðîñòîâà-íà-Äîíó


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